Architecture of the World Boxes

Friday, January 1, 2010

Little Bits of Northern Italy in no particular order at all

Above and Below: View from my hotel window and balcony.

Above: George Clooney's Villa Oleandra on Lake Como

When I lived in Seattle, I enjoyed getting away to sunny places to survive the long, grey, drizzley, soppy, dreary, soaking winters. Sicily and San Miguel de Allende were two successful sunny escapes. During fall 2005, I took a trip to the Lake District of Northern Italy. It rained every day and some days absolutely poured. Just a little lesson I learned: you can't always escape what you want. The pictures are of lovely places, but they always remind me of more grey and rain. The food was less than mediocre, too. I really didn't mind too much when it was time to come back home. (When in Sicily, I really didn't want to return home!) The first Salt Lake City winter I cussed when I scraped snow off my car during winters. One morning, I found myself humming while scraping and realized that I knew I'd live to see the sun shine again. I wasn't so sure of that while living in Seattle. ;o)


  1. I need to get my passport renewed! What great photos! I've always wanted to go to Italy and I really don't mind the rain.

    Second Hand Chicks

  2. Kelly---Get that passport renewed; you never know what opportunities will pop up when you have it ready! It doesn't always rain in N. Italy, but there are other Italian locations I've enjoyed more because of better food, friendliness of the people and extra sunshine! :o)

  3. Aaah yes the endless winters.. I am from Sweden and know exactly what you mean, though having lived in Sydney for the last 10 years have had me longing for the dark, dreary, frosty stretch between November till March.. The sun can sometimes be a bit much too - I think the key to climatic happiness is variation. Seasons rock!


    P.S. Italy is divine - all of it and your images very beautiful. Nicely captured.
