Architecture of the World Boxes

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Above: Painting of Jay's Weekender by Toni Youngblood, acrylic on canvas 24x36".

Jay's Weekender (aka Ender), whelped May 19, 1999. His poppa, Flying Train, was quite the racer and stud dog, making a name for himself as having sold at the National Greyhound Association auction in 1991 for more than any stud dog in history at that point, $56,000. Flying Train went on to race in Colorado and Wichita and still holds Wichita Greyhound Park's 5/16 track record of 30.10. Our Ender retired from racing after nine months, due to occasional bouts with tendinitis. This wouldn't effect a pet so much, but it would put more than a dent in a professional athlete's career. I adopted Ender in January 2002 from Royal Hound's Greyhound Adoption in Washington state. He's a sweet boy.

Above: Ender, the perfect gentleman.Above: Ender napping with his Teddy in my Seattle Studio.

Above: Watercolor sketch of Ender in a favorite pose. (Painting by Toni Youngblood)

Above: Greyhound Pajama Party - Ender (in blue pajamas) always letting little "sister", Harri-Berri take the spot light.
Above: A sketch of my floppy-eared Ender. (Sketch by Toni Youngblood)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ENDER, my lovey dovey mama's boy! ~Sparky

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