Architecture of the World Boxes

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wish I were there...

Photo: Toni Youngblood - The grand staircase at Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Italy

Just a note: Making comments is very easy, you only need to have an account like Google or Yahoo. The information you provide goes to no one! It's all private. You will not receive unwanted emails, as a result of signing up for an account or making comments. Also, you do not need to be a "follower" of a blog to make comments. If you are uncomfortable posting a comment (which can be seen by all reading this blog), simply send me a private email message by clicking on the picture of the envelope on the right side of this blog page (where it says "Contact Me").

I LOVE hearing from you.

As always, thanks so much for visiting.


  1. It is difficult to get comments. Makes you feel like your talking to yourself....oh, I do that anyway. Today I heard from a woman in Italy, that is what makes having a blog so much fun, you meet new people and learn so much from all of the talented and creative bloggers out there. I find I get the most comments when I join a "party". That is how I first found your blog from Silver Sunday on Gypsy Fish. I also link to my Facebook page, to guilt my friends into reading it. Good luck.

  2. Hi Jan:
    Yes, some readers are worried about personal info going out into...somewhere else. It's safe and private, as we know. Some are shy about having others read their comments---that's why I added the email link, so they could send a private or personal message if they feel more comfortable. That's been very nice---just received one of those this morning from a special friend. Meeting folks from all over the world is wonderful. I'm glad you came here through the Silver Sunday on Gypsy Fish! And as, always, your comments are so appreciated. ~Sparky
